real dice

Always have dice with you - for every occasion

app screenshot real diceapp screenshot real diceapp screenshot real diceapp screenshot real diceapp screenshot real dice
real dice
Let the dice roll!

Whether for board games or other nice occasions where you need a few dice – with "real dice" you always have the little lovely familiar random determiners with you in sufficient numbers and shapes.

And all of this is super convenient on your iPhone or iPad – no more prickly, uncomfortable objects in your pocket.

  • beautiful rolling 3D dice on a velvety soft background
  • whether rolling gently or throwing with gusto – the player still has a hand in the throw
  • different numbers and types of dice can be selected – suitable for the respective purpose
  • automatic counting of the points rolled – no more careless mistakes when adding them up
  • no annoying tidying up and packing up after the fun of playing – these dice are simply impossible to lose!!!
  • guaranteed to work without a dice cup

So that soon we can say again: Alea iacta est (lat.: the die has been cast).
real dice